You can become a student pilot for airplanes if you're 16 and know English (writing too).
Student Pilot Certificates can be issued by designated pilot or aviation medical examiners.
The exam costs less than a hundred dollars.
Locate Designated Pilot Examiners
Locate Aviation Medical Examiners (recommended)
- Ask for a Medical 3rd Class and Student Pilot Certificate.
The Medical 3rd Class is valid for 2 years or 3, if you're under 40.
With a Student Pilot Certificate and CFI endorsements you can:
- Act as a pilot in command - solo endorsement every 90 days
- Fly in class B airspace - special endorsement every 90 days
- Fly cross country - need an endorsement every time
You cannot be the pilot in command and:
- Carry passengers
- Fly other models or at other airports without an endorsement
- Fly more than 25 NM from the airport without an endorsement
- Fly with less than 3 miles visibility
- Fly over a ceiling without seeing the ground
- Fly contrary to the CFI's limitations
- Fly internationally or act as a co-pilot
- Fly for profit
Solo means you are the only occupant of the airplane. When soloing you are the
pilot in command
which means that you are the final authority as to the operation of the aircraft.
In order to get the initial solo endorsement a student pilot has to meet two requirements.
- Pass a written test administered by the CFI
covering details about the particular airport and airplane to be used
- Receive training in the model aircraft to be soloed covering:
- __ Preflight, operating the engine and aircraft systems
- __ Taxiing, surface operations, runup
- __ Straight and level flight, left and right turns, +/- 100ft
- __ Climbs and climbing turns
- __ Descents, with and without turns, with and without flaps
- __ Flight at various airspeeds from cruise to slow flight
- __ Full stalls from various pitch, bank, and power settings
- __ Ground reference maneuvers, +/- 100ft
- __ Airport traffic patterns, arrivals and departures
- __ Normal and crosswind takeoffs and landings
- __ Collision, windshear, and wake turbulence avoidance
- __ Emergency procedures and equipment malfunctions
- __ Approaches to a landing area with simulated engine out
- __ Slips to a landing
- __ Go-arounds
- __ First Solo !
Look again at the list above. You can use it as a checklist to determine your training progress
until you solo.
Next is
Cross Country Navigation